Month: April 2024

Leading Sustainable Development: igloo and Blueprint’s Commitment to Carbon Reduction

A Q&A session with Peter Conboy, Development Director for igloo and Blueprint  As the world grapples with the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, the UK Green Building Council (UKGBC) continues to play a pivotal role in shaping a sustainable future for the built environment. Recently, the UKGBC released an insightful report on embodied carbon emissions, with a significant contribution […]

Leading Sustainable Development: igloo and Blueprint’s Commitment to Carbon Reduction

Building sustainable communities through brownfield regeneration

As part of its long-term plan for housing, the Government recently announced that every council in England needs to prioritise brownfield development, becoming more flexible in approving planning applications. The raft of policy measures announced by the Government demonstrate that it is taking immediate action to address the housing shortage, and these new planning rules will deliver homes in areas […]

Building sustainable communities through brownfield regeneration

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The future of urban regeneration lies within collaboration

10th July 2024

By Alec Hamlin, Blueprint Regeneration    The most successful and impactful regeneration projects are driven by public and private sector partnerships. With local authorities focusing on delivering long-term impact, strategic development that considers economic, environmental and community needs will become catalysts for urban transformation and further investment. With this in mind, Alec Hamlin shares his experience in the industry, exploring how […]

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